

3番の”Kaikkialla ei puhuta englantia.”(English is not spoken everywhere.)などは、小学校で扱うべき外国語について「原則として英語」などと指定するような偏った外国語教育政策のせいで、外国語=英語、英語万能と思い込まされている日本人には是非考えてもらいたいところ。



  1. Wider worldview.
  2. The more languages you know, the easier they are to learn.
  3. English is not spoken everywhere.
  4. It helps in job application (I have good IT knowledge and am a good person – I have good IT knowledge, am a good person, and I know three languages fluently and a couple others competently)
  5. You understand people.
  6. You understand your surroundings/environment.
  7. You understand tubers in different languages.
  8. You learn new things.
  9. You prevent dementia.
  10. You value other cultures.
  11. You will profit in business.
  12. You will break the ice.
  13. You will learn something about your native language.
  14. You find info more easily, and can shop online more easily.
  15. You will be able to read literature in the original language.
  16. You deepen friendship.
  17. You understand something minor and majority.
  18. You will be able to play with tongues.
  19. There is no harm doing it.
  20. Artificial intelligence is not (quite yet) the fish of Babel.
カテゴリー: フィンランド, 学校, 英語教育 パーマリンク
